
AX!OM, because knowledge is power!

Hello, and a very warm welcome to our site. We sincerely hope that you enjoy your time here and come back to visit us on a regular basis.

There's a good chance (we'll discuss probability theory later) that you're here because you recognise both the importance of Mathematics and the role it plays in your life on a daily basis. With approximately 7 billion people that roam the earth, we're in no doubt that you've realised, that to get ahead of your competition and achieve your objectives in life, it will require hard work, commitment, and above all stamina. Wow, we're in danger of sounding like the opening paragraph on a website for a new gym that opens just after Christmas!

Ok, let's cut to the chase. Axiom isn't a million miles away in concept from the new state-of-the-art gym that's on your doorstep. In fact, that's exactly what we are, but with one very subtle difference. We work on the most important part of your body, your brain. Whilst others claim to work miracles through diet, exercise, educational courses, 'this' training program and 'that' training program, and not forgetting those that have decided that you might even benefit from a bit of 'psychological' therapy that somehow helps you unlock that hidden potential you never knew you had, here at Axiom, we've decided to take a different approach.

How often have you considered that the vast majority of your life is both governed, if not dictated, by language, science & numbers? It's not just sometimes, it's all of the time. For starters, you have to wake up at a certain time to get to work. Are you on a diet this week? If so, how much do you have to lose to achieve your objective, always assuming your objective is a certain number, otherwise, what's the point? Are you working toward that promotion that will both increase your salary and take you further to improve your lifestyle? We'll assume this means having more toys in general. You might persuasively argue that you're not that shallow and that you work toward the greater good of mankind, very nice. It's still a greater good though and one that will ultimately benefit more people. Can you afford that snazzy new dress or pair of shoes this month? Or might it have an impact on whether or not you can make this month’s rent or mortgage payment'?

As I write this, I'm at 41,000ft directly over Venice hoping to arrive at my destination on time. At 600 mph heading 170 degrees, the Captain of this Airliner has just told all 290 passengers on board that we are only going to consume a mere 25 tonnes of fuel for this short journey and that the aircraft is capable of carrying nearly 5 times this amount. Really? Very interesting, I think. The people in the row next to me would appear to think so too as they have just started discussing the finer points of fuel burn, efficiency, speed and ultimately ticket prices and value for money. The chap behind me has told his partner that they'll wait to have a drink until they land, as the on-board price of wine is outrageous. She agreed, stating that it'll be worth the wait as it's forecast to be 41C at her destination and she can drink as much as she likes on her all-inclusive deal, she's determined to make the most of her holiday. The family in front of me are busy trying to convince their kids to sleep for a few hours so that they'll have more fun time in the pool later. One of the girls asks if she will still get her spending money whilst she's on holiday and just how many of her normal chores she'll have to perform to get it.

Absolute trivia and coincidence some of you might scoff but we are born into a world that continuously and more importantly, persistently, measures its success and progression with language, science and numbers. It's probably worth noting that all numbers to the right of zero aren't the only useful ones! Our negative number friends play just as vital a role. So, whether it's how many pounds you'll have to lose to look good in that bikini or how many pounds you'll have to save up to get to that sun drenched beach to show off your new figure, we hope you'll agree by now that numbers are a fundamental, integral, and important aspect of all of our lives. You can't get by without them.

From helping you solve the most trivial number problems, to solving complex differential equations, Axiom can help you improve your career, business and lifestyle by simply becoming better with numbers. Realise that getting that promotion isn't as tough as you thought, losing a few pounds is easier with a new way of thinking. Mathematics and the power of analytical thinking help things to just naturally fall into place. Become more productive and realise your potential by sleighing your number demons!

We're a small team of extremely talented individuals that have worked incredibly hard to achieve success in life. And the one thing that make us Axiom, is that we all agree that success was achieved through being good at language, maths & science, irrespective of what you do in life.

Enjoy our website and enjoy learning. After all, knowledge 'is' power.
